海 报
讲座时间: 2023年3月31日14:00-15:00
讲座地点:腾讯会议号:732 744 926;密码:0331
Title: A novel augmented Lagrangian for inequality constrained optimization and its application in linear programming
Abstract: We introduce a twice differentiable augmented Lagrangian for optimization with general inequality constraints. Our function is a combination of the augmented Lagrangian and the logarithmic-barrier technique, and is a generalization of the Hestenes-Powell augmented Lagrangian. The associated augmented Lagrangian method is proved to have strong global convergence, the capability of rapidly detecting the possible infeasibility, and linear convergence to the KKT point. The preliminary numerical experiments on some small benchmark test problems demonstrate our theoretical results. The application in linear programming shows its superiority.