四川 成都 ok1133诸侯快讯网2024年12月22日-2024年12月24日
唐春明 (tangchunmingmath@163.com; 18582182739)
罗荣 (luorong@swjtu.edu.cn; 13882112127)
编码与密码学前沿研讨会:后量子密码及其相关问题 会议安排 |
12月22日报到 地点:四川省成都市青羊区金河路18号金河宾馆 |
12月23日上午8:30—12:00,地点:x7510 |
8:30-9:20 | 徐茂智 (北京大学) | 超奇异椭圆曲线同源密码 |
9:20-10:10 | 邓映蒲 (中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院) | 素数判定问题综述 |
茶歇 |
10:20-11:10 | 潘彦斌 (中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院) | 后量子密码学简介 |
11:10-12:00 | 周海燕 (南京师范大学数学科学学院) | ANALYSIS OF ROTH-LEMPEL CODES |
午休 |
12月23日下午14:00—17:30,地点:x7510 |
14:00-14:50 | 麻常利 (河北师范大学数学科学学院) | Weights of a class of projective geometry codes |
14:50-15:40 | 王琦 (南方科技大学计算机科学与工程系) | Large-size families of Costas arrays with low cross-correlation |
茶歇 |
15:50-16:40 | 张俊 (首都师范大学数学科学学院) | 子空间码的消息认证码的构造 |
16:40-17:30 | 胡志 (中南大学数学与统计学院) | 同源密码及其计算 |
4月24日离会 |
摘要:椭圆曲线是构造密码算法的重要源泉,椭圆曲线密码包括基于点的标量乘的密码、基于双线性配对的密码和基于超奇异椭圆曲线同源的密码。前两者已经得到广泛应用,而超奇异椭圆曲线同源密码因为其抗量子攻击的性质,成为密码学界和应用数学界的一个研究热点。 本报告介绍椭圆曲线概念、加法,并给出超奇异椭圆曲线及同源的概念,进而介绍使用超奇异椭圆曲线同源构造的密码基础和进展情况。涉及代数、数论、代数曲线知识和密码学的概念。
摘要:Near maximum distance separable (NMDS) codes have been widely used in various fields such as communication systems, data storage, and quantum codes due to their algebraic properties and excellent error-correcting capabilities.This report focuses on Roth-Lempel codes and establishes necessary and sufficient conditions for them to be NMDS and further completely determine its weight distributions . Besides, we illustrate the linearly inequivalence of Roth-Lempel codes and NMDS codes of elliptic curve type when their corresponding code lenthts exceed $\frac{4(q+2\sqrt{q}+1)}{5}-1$. Finally we show that some special linear codes of elliptic-curve type are not equivalent to Roth-Lempel code C by Schur product.
报告题目:Weights of a class of projective geometry codes
摘要:Linear codes are an important class of error-correcting codes and widely used in secret sharing schemes, combinational designs, authentication codes and so on. Let C(n-1,q) be the p-ary linear code generated by the rows of the incidence matrix of points and hyperplanes of PG(n-1,q), with q=ps, s\geq1 and p prime. This is a special class of projective geometry codes. The weights of C(n-1,q) have attracted a great many of research in recent years. Some previous results are as follows: the minimal weight of C(n-1,q) is θn-1, where θn=qn-1q-1; the second minimal weight of C(n-1,q) is 2qn-2; the third minimal weight of C(2,p) is 2p+1, with p prime and p≥11; the fourth minimum weight of C(2,p) is 3p-3, with p prime and p≥5. What are all the weights of C(n-1,q)? This is what we focus on in this paper. Our main results are as follows:
(i) We present that C(n-1,q) is a cyclic code, and give its generator polynomial and parity-check polynomial.
(ii) We give a formula to calculate some weights of C(n-1,q) by the weight distribution of CD, where CD is constructed from the defining set D.
(iii) When q>2 is even, we prove that the weight w of C(2,q) is w\equiv1(\mbox{or }0)~(\mbox{mod}~4). Furthermore, we give a method to calculate some weights of C(2,q) , and present a conjecture.
(iv) When q is even, we prove that each codeword of C2,q⊥ is a linear combination of the incidence vectors of some linear hyperovals, and every hyperoval is the sum of q+2 linear hyperovals, where 、C2,q⊥ is the dual code of C(2,q).
报告题目:Large-size families of Costas arrays with low cross-correlation
摘要:Costas arrays have been extensively investigated for decades due to their applications in Radar systems and their close connections to combinatorics. In this talk, I will introduce some new recent results on families of Costas arrays with low cross-correlation. More precisely, by employing some results on the number of roots of certain polynomials over finite fields, we are able to derive bounds on the cross-correlation of several large-size families of Costas arrays.